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Hostal la Estación: Reception 24h, from 20:00 to 08:00 will be made by localized staff.


INTERNAL REGULATIONS OF HOSTAL LA ESTACIÓN RULES OF PROCEDURE Preamble Decree-Law 13/2020, of 18 May,1 of Andalusia, which, among others, establishes the measures relating to hotel establishments, includes in its Chapter I the ordination of the same, as well as the regulation of their technical conditions and provision of services. In this regard, Article 25 of that Decree-Law provides as follows: 1. Hotel establishments must have an internal regulation in which mandatory rules will be established for users during their stay, without being able to contravene the provisions of Law 13/2011, of December 23,2 nor in this Chapter. 2. The internal regulations will always be available to users and it will be exhibited, at least, in Spanish and English, in a visible and easily accessible place of the establishment. This regulation must be published on the establishment's own website, if it exists. 3. The operating companies of the hotel establishments may seek the assistance of the Security Forces and Bodies to evict from them those who fail to comply with the regulation of internal regime, fail to comply with the usual rules of social coexistence or intend to access or remain in them for a purpose other than the normal use of the service, in accordance with the provisions of article 36.4 of the Law 13/2011, of 23 December. 4. The rules of procedure shall specify at least: a) The conditions of admission. b) The rules of coexistence and operation. c) Information on the administrative organization and responsible person to whom, where appropriate, they must address in those matters related to the operation of the establishment. d) List of complementary services provided by companies other than the operating entity and identification of the companies responsible for their provision. e) Information to users about the facilities or services that pose a risk and the security measures adopted in this regard. f) Admission of animals and conditions for such admission. g) In general, all the circumstances that allow and favor the normal development of the enjoyment of the facilities , equipment and services. In compliance with and development of the aforementioned Decree-Law, this Hotel Establishment has elaborated the present Regulation of Internal Regime in which the rules of obligatory fulfillment are established for the users during their stay; people that in the future we will call Clients. These Regulations are available to you, as a Client, at all times both in your version in Spanish and in its English language; it can be consulted on the bulletin board located in the reception area , as well as on our website. 1. Published in the Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía, Extraordinary No. 27, of May 18, 2020. 2. Law 13/2011, of 23 December, on Tourism in Andalusia. CHAPTER I Conditions of admission Article 1. Conditions of admission 1.1.- This Hostel is considered, for all purposes, of establishment for public use, although admission or permanence may be denied: a) Due to lack of accommodation capacity or facilities. b) For failing to comply with the admission requirements. c) For adopting behaviors that may cause danger or discomfort to other people, whether they are users or not, or that hinder the normal development of the activity. 1.2.- Our Establishment will seek the assistance of the Security Forces and Bodies to dislodge those who fail to comply with these Internal Regime Regulations; fail to comply with the usual rules of social coexistence; or intend to access or stay in the Hostel for a purpose other than the normal use of the service. Article 2. Admission requirements 2.1.- It will be a prerequisite to make use of the hotel room to properly complete the admission document upon arrival at the Hostel; being so that at that time you will be informed about your rights and obligations as a Client, as well as about the existence of this Internal Regime Regulation. 2.2.- When completing the admission document, you must present an official document that identifies you and that will also serve so that the Hostel can complete the corresponding entry part in accordance with current regulations on registration books and entry parts of travelers. 2.3.- Once the admission document has been completed, you will be given your copy, which will include, at least, the name, classification and registration code in the Andalusian Tourism Registry of the Establishment, the identification of the room, the number of people who are going to occupy it, the dates of entry and exit, when the accommodation contract has been signed between you and the Hostel directly, the total price of the contracted stay, in this case, giving you the original document corresponding as a contract. Article 3. Rights The rights of you as a Customer of this establishment are: a) Receive truthful, sufficient, understandable, unequivocal information, and prior to contracting the accommodation period, as well as on the full final price, including taxes, with a breakdown, where appropriate, of the amount of the increases or discounts that are applicable to any possible offer. b) Obtain the documents that prove the terms of the contract. c) Access our Establishment in the contracted terms. d) Receive the services under the agreed conditions. e) Have duly guaranteed in our Hostel your safety and that of your assets, as well as your privacy; and be informed of any conjunctural inconvenience that could alter your rest and tranquility. f) Receive information about the facilities or services that pose a risk and the security measures adopted. g) Receive an invoice or ticket of the price paid for the services provided. h) Formulate complaints and claims and obtain information on the procedure for submitting them and their treatment. Article 4. Obligations The obligations of you as a Customer of this establishment are: a) Observe the rules of coexistence and hygiene. b) Respect these rules of internal regime. c) Respect the agreed date of departure from the Establishment leaving the room free. d) Pay for the services contracted at the time of presentation of the invoice or within the agreed period, without the fact of submitting a claim implying exemption from payment. e) Respect this Establishment, its facilities and its equipment. f) Respect the environmental environment. g) Respect the areas and facilities restricted by reason of age, or contracted rates. CHAPTER I I Rules of operation and coexistence Article 5. Reservation 5.1.- All reservations will include the date of the stay, quantity and type of room, cancellation policy and complementary services additionally contracted; also stating the total price and broken down for each of these concepts, unless it has been offered as package at a agreed global price. 5.2.- Prior to making your reservation and by the same means used to make it, or another that you choose, you will be informed of your rights and obligations, among others, of the cancellation policy of said reservation, which will conform to the following conditions: a) If the reservation is canceled less than two days in advance, you will be required to pay a stay fee for every ten or fraction. b) If you leave the reserved room before the date until which you had it reserved, you will be billed for the services provided up to that time plus a penalty of one night for every ten or fraction of the stays not made. c) In the case of non-refundable rates, the conditions that have been previously agreed will apply. d) If the cancellation of the reservation is motivated by circumstances of force majeure, including a crisis situation or health emergency affecting your place of residence or place where this Establishment is located, the provisions of paragraphs a ) and b will not apply, but you will receive a voucher, with an expiration of one year, to stay in another time and under the same conditions, although subject to availability. 5.3.- The confirmation by us of your reservation will be considered a tourist accommodation contract; leaving a physical or electronic record available to you. 5.4.- When you have obtained confirmation of your reservation, we will put at your disposal the type of room reserved on the agreed date. 5.5.a.- If we confirm your reservation without requiring any advance as a signal, you will be kept until the agreed time, and if you have not arranged, the reservation will be kept until 20 hours on the appointed day. 5.5.b.- If you have paid the advance as a signal, your reservation will be kept without a time limit for the number of days covered by the amount of the signal, unless otherwise agreed. Article 6. Price 6.1.- You, as a Client, must pay for the services contracted at the time of submission of the invoice or within the agreed period, without the fact of submitting a claim implying exemption from payment. In the case of stays of more than one week, services may be billed weekly. 6.2.- The payment of the price may be made by prior bank transfer; bank card 3; or in cash up to the quantitative limit in force at all times according to law. 6.3.- In case the payment of the services is required prior to the provision of the same, we will expressly state it in our advertising. 6.4.- In case of requesting the data of your bank card; the advertising shall state whether it is used as a guarantee of performance of the contract or as an advance payment. 6.5.- We reserve the right to demand that, when making a reservation, you make an advance of the price as a signal, which will be understood as payment on account of the amount resulting from the services provided. Article 7. Period of occupation 7.1 .- As a client, you will have the right to the occupation of the room from 12:00 pm on the first day of the contracted period until 12:00 pm on the day indicated as the date of exit. On dates of maximum occupancy of the establishment, the delivery of your room may be delayed for a period of time not exceeding two hours. In any case, you can access the common facilities of our Establishment from 13:00 hours on the day of your arrival. 7.2.- Unless otherwise agreed, the extension in the occupation of your room for a longer time than contracted will generate the obligation to pay the amount established "late" checkout". 7.3.- You may stay accommodated more days than those specified in the admission document , provided that there is prior agreement due to availability. In case of agreement, it will be extended as an extension of the first contract and will be recorded in the same admission document. 7.4.- The occupation and stay of two people in a double room that was contracted as an individual will not be allowed. In that case, the rate set for double use will be paid. Article 8.- Prohibitions 8.1.- The occupation and stay of more than two people in a double room that was contracted as a double will not be allowed. In that case, the rate set for double use will be paid. 8.2.- Smoking is prohibited throughout the Establishment, except for the areas enabled for it. 3. This hotel only accepts the following bank cards: VISA and MASTERCARD 8.3.- It is forbidden to hang towels or any other garment on the railings of the patio. 8.4.- It is forbidden to play with balls and the like. 8.5.- This Establishment does not admit animals, except for people accompanied by guide dogs due to visual dysfunctions. Article 9. Limitations 9.1.- Access to the Hostel facility will be limited: a) When the established capacity has been completed and in the meantime there is no availability of access in response to said capacity. b) When violent attitudes are shown or manifested, especially when it behaves aggressively or provokes altercations. c) When it causes situations of danger or inconvenience to other users , or does not meet the conditions of hygiene. 9.2.- This Establishment may seek the assistance of the Security Forces and Bodies to dislodge those who fail to comply with any of the limitations listed in the previous section. 9.3.- The Client who is in any of the situations provided for in section 9.1 of this article is obliged to pay the expenses that he has generated until the time of the prohibition of access or permanence in the area or installation of the Hostel. Article 10. Basic rules on cleanliness 10.1.- The bins must be used Article 11. Tips and suggestions 1. Monitor and control your luggage. Don't leave it unattended. 2. Keep an eye on and control your belongings both on the terrace, don't leave them unattended. 3. Keep the door closed when you are in your room. Close your bedroom door to the door to the door of it, and try to open it again to make sure it is properly closed, even when it is absent. only for a short period of time. 4. Close your luggage when not in use and place it in your closet. If your luggage is locked, always use it. 5. Never display jewelry, money, or valuables in your room. 6. Immediately notify the Hostel Management of any abnormal fact that you appreciate such as: people in suspicious attitude in the corridor, repeated phone calls from people who do not they identify themselves, knock on the door of your room from people unknown to you, or do not hire anyone at the door when you come to open it. 7. If you forget your code, only the Reception staff is authorized to provide you with a new one to open your room. 8. In case you smoke on the terrace of the Hostel, our security measures require that you put out your cigarette before retiring to rest. 9. When establishing social relationships with strangers, do not disclose the name of the establishment or the number of your room. 10. Never allow people into your room with unsolicited deliveries. 11. Never discuss specific plans for future excursions, outings, etc., in public or with strangers. 12. In case you want the room fixed, "Please let us know. 13. If you discover any type of deterioration or anomaly, please contact Reception. 14. The electrical installation of your room is 220 Volts. 15. Respect the areas in which the rooms are located during the night and siesta hours, and in general, avoid making noise unnecessarily. 16. Please use the facilities properly, respecting the furniture and the common areas of the Hostel. 17. Please respect the schedules of all the facilities of the Hostel. 18. We appreciate your participation in the event that, during your stay in the Establishment, any incident and evacuation drill is practiced. 20. Some schedule may change depending on the time of year. CHAPTER III Information about the administrative organization of the hostel Article 14.- Doubts and miscellaneous issues. In any case in which you have doubts or questions regarding the operation of our Hostel, you can contact the Reception staff or the Customer Service staff, where they will be resolved or, failing that, you will be contacted with the staff empowered to resolve your question or doubt; being the director of the Hostel the maximum responsible for it. CHAPTER VII Health emergencies or crises Article 18. Action protocols in cases of emergencies or health crises 18.1.- In the event that the Authorities declare an emergency or health crisis situation that affects the normal development of our Hostel, it will be announced on our website so that, as a Client, you know the measures that are adopted and the Meet. 18.2.- The Client who, in an emergency situation or health crisis declared by the Authorities, fails to comply with the measures, mandatory or recommended, that have been adopted in this Establishment may motivate the immediate termination of their accommodation contract; their stay being canceled without the right to any refund, and with notice to the competent Authority